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Ian Stuart Donaldson – wywiad radiowy z 1992 roku

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Prezentujemy zapis radiowego wywiadu z niezapomnianym Ianem Stuartem Donaldsonem. To nie był jedynie muzyk. Ian był postacią wielowymiarową. Działacz polityczny (National Front), twórca Blood and Honour, wokalista Skrewdrivera. Do końca apelował o czynne wsparcie organizacji nacjonalistycznych, sam chciał kandydować w wyborach samorządowych. Tego nie rozumie spora część jego fanów, która wspiera jedynie koncerny produkujące wyroby alkoholowe.


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2 Komentarzy

  1. Niezapomniany Ian. Szkoda, że dziś większość jego zawodowych fanów to typ człowieka, którym wokalista Skrewdrivera pogardzał.

  2. Ian Stuart on Our Enemies

    ‘The enormity of our task is almost beyond comprehension. Sometimes state oppression, red opposition, and treachery by traitors in our midst makes us all feel like giving up – but at all costs we must continue our battle. Our fight begins in Europe, and spreads across the White World. Certain moments in our lives makes us realise the massive importance of our task. I have walked through Antwerp in the early evening as Nationalists gather in the bars. The beautiful architecture in the Flemish City embodies European genius – the evening in Rotterdam, as the lights of the great Dutch City sparkle as we have been made welcome by our comrades; an afternoon in Stockholm, frost upon the ground, then a journey on the train to Gothenburg as the beauty of Sweden and Scandinavia hypnotises me. I think of Germany, France, Italy and all the other great nations of Europe. Then I think of our cousins in the U.S.A., Australia, and beyond. White men made these nations and if White men do not stand up and fight their enemies our world will crumble. If this happens, when we are gone, someday and somewhere, the ghosts of the warriors who did fight will stand and accuse those cowards who did not. That will be the day of reckoning. We must all make some kind of contribution, and my songs are but a small part of what I hope to contribute to the survival of the White Race.’

    ‘We were attacked by a mob of blacks after Searchlight (a left-wing magazine published by Jewish communist Gerry Gable) had been giving out leaflets with my face, my address, where I drink on them, we used to get trouble most weekends from gangs of blacks going past my house on the way home from college, and one particular night we got attacked by about eight or nine of them, we fought back, the police arrived and we got arrested. The blacks didn’t even turn up at court for three days in a row and the police had to go out and bring them to the court.’

    ‘Searchlight even accused me of printing Swedish Nationalist magazines. God knows where I keep this printing press, under my bed probably! I can’t even understand one word of Swedish! I must be a busy man!’

    ‘Most of Europe seems to be doing quite well as regards to anti-Marxist movements. The only two nations who are being left behind are the USA and Britain. The reason for this as far as I am concerned is the complete control of the media by the Zionists. Also the legal system of this country is also more or less completely run by Zionists. The control of the media is an extremely powerful means with which, a large percentage of the people are force-fed exactly what Zionists want to tell them.’

    ‘Searchlight is now going so over the top that it’s become more like a work of fantasy rather than a political journal. As an example, a recent Searchlight accused me of being an arms dealer, a drug peddler, an acid house party organiser, a child pomographer, plus, conspiring to murder Patrick Harrington. That was all in one issue as well. It is funny though, how Jewish people such as Gerry Gable are allowed to publish all these figments of their tormented imaginations, without fear of prosecution from the press control people. On the other hand when you discover the people who run the press and if control boards it’s not so funny after all.’

    ‘The most memorable events of 1989 for me has to be the coming down of the Berlin Wall and the inevitable reunification of the German people. I have many good comrades and friends in Germany and I am happy for them in their hour of victory – Also the crumbling of Marxism in Eastern Europe has been great to watch as Karl Marx’s perverted doctrines have been toppled by national pride.’

    ‘One day, a load of British Nationalist Party supporters were attacked by IRA supporters. The police arrived on the scene and took all the BNP supporters names and numbers, they went around to their houses later on and asked them if they would testify in court and get their attackers charged. The only problem was that the police had made a mistake and thought that they were the IRA supporters. I was tipped off by these BNP people that the police officer in charge had actually said to them (still thinking that they were IRA) that they should say that they saw me (lan Stuart} causing all of the trouble. Basically, if they hadn’t got the IRA and the BNP muddled up they might have got away with the frame up. So I thought if thats what’s going to happen every time anything happens in London and I’m going to get stitched up for things, I mean, it was time to go. I wasn’t too bothered about the commies because they were arseholes, it’s when the police started to stitch me up. There’s not a great deal that you can do.’

    ‘I am not the type of person to creep and crawl to a bunch of weak-kneed, pacifist lefties and two-faced Zionists. One must be honest to people about one’s beliefs and especially when the survival of our very race is a stake. I have no doubt that anyone who expounds patriotic beliefs has a little black mark put against his name, and by now I must have a massive black mark near my name.’

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