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Arma – greccy narodowi socjaliści

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Obok narodowo-rewolucyjnego Złotego Świtu, w Grecji działa szereg mniejszych ruchów, których celem jest walka o Wielką Grecję i Białą Europę. Jednym z nich jest Arma, organizacja kładąca szczególny nacisk na kształtowanie Nowego Człowieka. Aktywiści mają nie tylko obowiązek ciągłej formacji ideologicznej, ale także rozwoju ducha i ciała, stąd też wędrówki górskie, seminaria samoobrony i czynne zaangażowanie w nacjonalistyczne turnieje sportów walki organizowane przez inicjatywę Propatria. Co ciekawe, wśród wytycznych dla potencjalnych działaczy są także: unikanie używek, dieta wykluczająca „śmieciowe” jedzenie, a nawet odrzucenie zdegenerowanej „kultury” rodem z Holywood i MTV na rzecz sztuki i muzyki klasycznej.


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  1. ARMA is an NS formation of racially conscious Greek -mainly- comrades, which aims at the consolidation of an all-domain pervasive, hierarchically structured group, composed of mentally and physically capable people, an elite that will and must eventually take over authority in Hellas, creating the actual prototype of a political-philosophical system inspired by the profoundest spiritual heritage of Hellenic and European Aryanism. Its first main goal is hence the shaping of this elite through the development and perfection of body and soul through the purification of spirit and the realization of our origin (metaphysically, historically and biologically conceived in parallel) and, thus, their duty and destiny.
    ARMA actively encourages and supports the cooperation of analogous formations and individuals throughout the world preparing, thus, the way for the inevitable reawaking of the European race out of the destructive sedation that has been inflicted on it during the present Dark Times.


  2. The Formation of a New Type of Man

    Quite frequently arises the question which model of organization and which course of action should a group of our character follow, in accordance to the ideology of nationalsocialism that we stand for. (It is of utter importance, to begin with, that the term “ideology” as it is understood in this text has nothing to do with the bourgeois-civil superficial fixations-obsessions and theories, but it refers to a true Cosmotheory -a perception of the Cosmos, a true and eternal Idea according to the concept of Platon- which is simultaneously both the Source and the Goal of our existence, a vital idea lively experienced, thus the metaphysical essence of our practical, inner and outer, personal and communal life).

    The discernible steps that a group of our character, with our objectives and aspirations must take are the following:

    First a primary-initial selection of individuals must take place according to the following: a) accordance to the fundamental ideological principles, b) immaculate character, c) a harmonical body –type and physiognomy, d) a healthy way of living, e) willingness and commitment to be truly introduced into a proccess of change and reconsideration of fixed viewpoints and attitudes in which they were addicted to in their former usual ,everyday “civil” life.

    Second, all the members of this initial group must achieve a profound realization and actualization of our Idea, starting with our philosophical principles and reaching a point where through this very Idea as a consiencious true foundation they will be able to define and interpert every current political or practical issue, every aspect , every individual, every display, every event, every hearing, every allusion. In our case this means that we must define all the basic Principles and Values of Nationalsocialism, towards a true inner unity without any misty aspects and thereinafter redetermine the metaphysical, physical and historical essence of Aryanism and Hellenism. (It is very important to note at this point that for us the most usually, deliberately and deceitfully misinterpreted and misunderstood concept of Hellenism is identified with the historically presence of Aryanism within the geographical space of Hellas.)

    The profound realization of our Ideology means much more than aggregation of knowledge. It means Cognition, it means Wisdom, it means the development of a subtile sense which renders the individuals capable to differentiate what is and what is not consistent to the physical and metaphysical harmony and cosmic order, in every level, thus in accordance to decency and to authentic nobility. It means apperception of the Holly in the Cosmos and disaggregation of the ignoble, of the dibasing and downgrading, the unholly and the contemptible. The development of such a discerning sense is one of ARMA’s fundamental missions, given the fact that the main base of Decadence and Deacy is located in the all-embracing and integral Confusion due to machination or insufficiency of the individual which thereinafter is usually exploited and fostered by the System. For better or for worst this sense is something not taught by books but evolves through a process of inner maturation, through tasks and group activities which are vitalized by a particular, undescribable but experienced Pneuma (Spirit).

    Third, it is essential to acknowledge the living element of our identity as members of the ARMA community in order, with continuous work, to render our Ideology an esoteric existential concern for every one of us, orientating all the choices we make in our lives in consistency to this very Ideology, and even more upgrading the progress we make in this advancement process as a norm of our personal course and ultimately of our personal value. This inner work that aims to inner development will gradually lead to the crystallization of a New Life Model which will shape the New Type of Man that we evangelize , as a tangible reality, a foundation for the future of our Race and an embryon of the new man and of the reborn society that comes ahead, if we succeed to escape from the grip of this apparentlly all-mighty Death, i.e. of the established and ruling ataxia ( disorder).

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