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Nordycki Ruch Oporu i zgrzytanie pejsami demokratów

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Zgrzytanie pejsami demokratów w Szwecji. – Aktywność organizacji neonazistowskich i innych ekstremistycznych ostatnimi laty eskalowała i dlatego musimy podjąć bardziej zdecydowane działania – tłumaczy minister sprawiedliwości i migracji Morgan Johansson. Ten lewicowy kretyn już latem 2018 roku chciał zaostrzyć prawo, gdy członkowie Nordyckiego Ruchu Oporu otrzymali pozwolenie na manifestację w Visby na Gotlandii. Mieli tam wziąć udział w „kilku incydentach”, używając „przemocy”. Jeden z aktywistów „zaatakował” kobietę, która z tęczową flagą protestowała przeciwko ich obecności. Narodowi socjaliści nazwali ją „zdrajcą narodu”. Znanemu dziennikarzowi telewizyjnemu jeden z nich krzyknął prosto w twarz „Nie, ohydnemu Żydowi”.

Jak alarmuje „Rzeczpospolita”, Nordycki Ruch Oporu stawia sobie za cel stworzenie przez rewolucję północnoeuropejskiej, narodowosocjalistycznej republiki składającej się z państw skandynawskich i Islandii, „czystej rasowo” i samowystarczalnej. W ich wizji ma powstać trybunał ludowy, który będzie posiadał mandat na sądzenie „ciężkich przypadków zdrady narodu”.

Nordycki Ruch Oporu jest obok Narodowego Odrodzenia Polski jedną z najdłużej działających radykalnych organizacji nacjonalistycznych w Europie. Obie jako jedne z nielicznych organizacji na świecie mają oficjalny zakaz posiadania kont w takich serwisach jak Facebook i YouTube.

Hell Seger! Chwała Zwycięstwu!

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2 Komentarzy

  1. Nordycki Ruchu Oporu to prawdziwy wzór do naśladowania pod względem poświęcenia, dyscypliny i bezkompromisowości. Hell Seger!

  2. Słynne przemówienie Roberta Jay Mathewsa wykorzystane w filmiku:

    “My brothers, my sisters. From the mist shrouded forest valleys and mountains of the Pacific Northwest, I bring you a message of solidarity, a call to action and a DEMAND for adherence to duty as members of the vanguard of an Aryan resurgence and ultimately total Aryan victory.

    The signs of awakening are sprouting up across the Northwest and no more so than amongst the two-fisted farmers and ranchers – a class of our people who have been hit especially hard by the filthy lying Jews and their parasitical usury system. From the beginning of this Nation to the present, the yeoman farmer has been a symbol of the Aryan work ethic and living monument to masculinity.

    Whenever I think of the First American Revolution, I often remember that stirring poem about Concord and Lexington:

    By the rude bridge that arched the flood,
    Their flag to April’s breeze unfurled,
    Here the embattled farmers stood,
    And fired the shot heard round the world.

    Unfortunately, comrades, that poem glorifies a fratricidal conflict. How I dream of a new poem, a poem for today:

    Out of the valleys, out of the fields, poured the Aryan yeoman hoard,
    Their flag to April’s breeze unfurled,
    Thence the Aryan farmer came,
    And removed the Jew forever, forever from this world.

    [Audience applause]

    Let us not forget, however, that the Levantine vermin are well aware of the dangers that an aroused and angered yeomanry represent to them. The tillers of the soil have always been something of a mystery to the Jews. Cities corrupt. Cities corrupt while the soil, the valley, the field, the farm – they revitalize and replenish a weakened and drained mind and body. How the weasely little city dwelling Jew fears and suspicions the Aryan farmer. What a contrast! What a contrast in mind and body between the two!

    I think that deep within the breast of our Aryan yeomanry lies a long-dormant seed. The seed of a racial awakening. The seed of resurgence, the seed of anger, and the seed of the will to act. We MUST radicalize the American yeomanry. We must bring as many of them as possible into our vanguard for victory.

    The task is not going to be easy. TV satellite dishes are springing up like poisonous mushrooms across the domain of the tillers of the soil. The electronic Jew is slithering into the living rooms of even the most remote farms and ranches. The race-destroying domes are everywhere. Allied with the Jews in their attempt to neutralize the Aryan farmer is the ever present local rural pastor or minister. My personal experience has shown that usually the only organized opposition we will encounter when organizing in a farming or ranching community is from some local pastor.

    However, the stranglehold that the churches have upon rural America is fast eroding. That stranglehold is fast eroding because the average American farmer and rancher is in extreme financial difficulty. When a man is on the verge of losing his second generation farm, his livelihood, in essence, his whole life, due mostly to the Jew usury system, he finds little solace in theological baggage from the Levin.

    I’m particularly encouraged by the success of Texas Klan leader Louis Beam has had in organizing amongst the farmers and independent truckers. He’s shown us the way, now we must do it for the Alliance. The potential is there.

    Working out of a base in northern Idaho, he created an organization called NOFIT, National Organization of Farmers and Independent Truckers. Their slogan is, “Don’t throw a fit – throw a bureaucrat.” [Laughter] Beam working with actual farmers and truckers from the northwest has managed within a few months to reach out and radicalize thousands of these kinsmen.

    I was talking to a young lady recently who works as a waitress in a large truck stop at Rock Springs, Wyoming. Every time NOFIT puts out a new newsletter they send her 500 copies. She said they are all gone within a few days with many of the truckers either joining on the spot or subscribing to the newsletter.

    The regime in Washington, D.C. is extremely worried about the further radicalization of the American farmer. Fortunately, instead of implementing a program that will genuinely help the farmer, they’re responding with massive shows of force and repression. So much the better.

    Sixty miles south of Spokane, Washington, along the Idaho border is a farming area we refer to as the Palouse. It’s one of the richest farming areas in the world. In many places the Palouse has topsoil that is an incredible 18 feet deep. Along with wonderful soil the Palouse has a very favorable growing climate. Even so, comrades, many farmers in the Palouse are being foreclosed upon. I have met and talked with one of these unfortunate farmers, a kinsman by the name of Ray Smith. Mr. Smith is a large-framed, ruddy-faced man who likes to refer to himself as “a Snake River cowboy and damn proud of it!”

    His father farmed the land he lives upon and Mr. Smith was recently planning to retire and let his son take over the farm. Mr. Smith’s dreams have been shattered and he’s on the verge of losing his two-thousand-plus acres, his home, and his son’s future livelihood.

    Mr. Smith, to his credit, took a long good look at his problem and how he arrived at so sorry a state. Now take heart, kinsmen, for what did Mr. Smith say when he came to the root cause of his problem? Mr. Smith said, “JEW! JEW! JEW!” Not only did Mr. Smith say “JEW!” he yelled “JEW!” His neighbors started yelling “JEW!”

    And how did the system react? By sending a plane, a helicopter, a bulldozer, SWAT teams from all over the state of Washington, and sixty very heavily armed deputies to the foreclosure on Mr. Smith’s farm.

    Needless to say, Mr. Smith is now a member of NOFIT and so are his neighbors. Mr. Smith also travels all over the states of Washington, Oregon, and Idaho speaking out about the Jews and handing out copies of the Protocols of Zion. We need this man in the Alliance.

    Radicalization of the American farm movement is also taking place in the Dakotas and Colorado. Last week I talked at length to a Colorado based racialist/activist who had extensive personal experience dealing with the Colorado farmers. Several years ago this gentleman distributed huge amounts of WRAs and other literature to farmers and ranchers around Fort Collins, Colorado. His efforts bore fruit, for soon after his initial literature distribution he witnessed the birth of the anti-Jewish, pro-White Farmer’s Liberation Army. The Feds are extremely panicked about this outfit. The same gentleman also gave me copies of the Primrose and Cattlemen’s Gazette, published in Fort Lupton, Colorado. This is an EXCELLENT little rural newspaper with a considerable circulation which is geared toward the needs and interest of the farmer and rancher.

    What’s interesting about this newspaper, in this issue is an excellent little article on the Protocols of Zion. In this issue here, is a full page advertisement for a very anti-Jewish, pro-White racialist organization. The Jews are coming down hard on this brave little newspaper like chickens on a june bug and it appears that it might eventually fold-up but the seeds have been sown.

    So, comrades, I have briefly informed you of the potential for our movement which lies within the farming communities across this nation. We must – it is our duty to – take advantage of the ever increasing radicalization of the American farmer. The fate of every last white man, woman, and child on this planet lies squarely on the shoulders of us here in this room today.

    Out of all of the White racialist organizations in this Nation, the Alliance and only the Alliance has the potential to bring us to victory. Through the Alliance lies the salvation for our entire race – we can not fail. Therefore, let us not only preach, let us live racial economics. In Metaline Falls we are not only eating, breathing, and sleeping; we are growing together as one mind and one body.

    We have broken the chains of Jewish thought. In Metaline Falls, we know not the meaning of the word “mine,” it is “ours,” — our race, the totality of our people. Ten hearts, one beat. One hundred hearts, one beat. Ten thousand hearts, one beat. We are born to fight and to die and to continue the flow – the flow of our people. Onward we will go, onward to the stars high above the mud, the mud of yellow, black, and brown.

    So kinsmen, duty calls. The future is now. If a month from now, you have not yet fully committed yourself to the Alliance and the responsibilities thereof, then you have, in effect, not only betrayed your race, you have betrayed yourself. So stand up like men! and drive the enemy into the sea. Stand up like men! and swear a sacred oath upon the green graze of our sires that you will reclaim what our forefathers discovered, explored, conquered, settled, built, and died for. Stand up like men! and reclaim our soil.

    Kinsmen arise! Look toward the stars and proclaim our destiny.

    In Metaline Falls we have a saying, “Defeat never. Victory forever!”

    Thank you.

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